profile mArTiN tAy JiA jUn 15 on going 16 26 dEcEmBeR cApRiCoRn Orchid Park Secondary MSN: * Blog: *
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
AWW.. I SPRAIN MY WRIST DURING TRAINING TODAY! So pain now laa.. We were suppose to play games with sec 1 de. It's like a modified version of 'catching'. So when XX wanted to catch me, I dodge and tripped. Fell on my back with my feets and hands in the air. And worse of all, I slide for half a court before stopping. I lie there for quite long, I think. Hahas. Then realised I had sprain my wrist. But I still continue training. Hahas. Stupid right? So I fell twice. And due to human instinct, I use my injured hand to support myself. Pain like hell. So I shouted in pain. Hahaha! After that went home lor. Now my wrist is swollen. Looks puffy. D: And XX, dun blame yourself laa. Not your fault, is I accidentally tripped and fall de. :D Shall post till here. Gotta let my hand rest. Ciaos! :D