profile mArTiN tAy JiA jUn 15 on going 16 26 dEcEmBeR cApRiCoRn Orchid Park Secondary MSN: * Blog: *
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Friday, June 4, 2010
Morning , same thing , went school. Had physics lesson. MrSaktun teach new chapter , ELECTROMAGNETISM. Haha ;D Quite a fun topic with those rules , Ampere's Swimming Rule and Maxwell Corkscrew Rule. The swimming rule was the funniest. Lazy to explain , basically the freestyle and backstroke. Haha! End liao jiu went for lunch. Went the mini-mart eat. And played with the 20cents machine there. Won a paper aeroplane that MrRamesh gave us for last year children's day. =.= Went back for Chemistry lesson. Continued on Exothermic & Endothermic plus activation energy. Gave us hmwk and go home le. Fast lesson. Meet the C girls plus Jamie at 846. Damn SLOW la them. Hungry so eat while waiting for them to come. Chatted blahblahblah. Then they cant decide what to do next. Haiz.. Girls.. So troublesome. xP So they FINALLY decided to play bball. Reach the court say want lend ball from others. In the end, went Jamie house use her bball. =.= So i went home lor. Reach home, bathe and it rained ! Msg XinXuan this ' NO MORE BASKETBALL ! ^^ ' Hahhaha! Funny laa. Then watch tv and here I am. ^^ Lastly , to the band members , GOODLUCK FOR THE BAND CONCERT ! xD